Screening Room
12:00 - 13:00
Break Out
From the Hero’s Journey to Everybody’s Journey: The Future of VR Storytelling

Short thesis

We know that stories shape the way we look at the world and other people. What’s more, they determine what actions we take. Stories have sparked crusades, revolutions and genocides. With Virtual Reality creators can impact audiences like never before. How do we use this power? What types of stories do we tell?


Knowing how powerful traditional storytelling is, we need to start thinking how immersive technology will impact us. How much more impact will stories have on our brains, in turn creating emotions, making decisions, and reinforcing beliefs. With the rapid advancement of new technologies and the persisting social inequalities, storytellers have the responsibility to shape a new medium which aims much further than simply entertainment.

What many people want from VR is an experience of not only physical, but also emotional, immersion and interactivity. People want to feel that they are not only part of the narrative but that they can effect the turn of events. How do we break out of the binary narrative of the hero’s journey, and start creating a collective journey where diverse people come together to transform a situation? How do we make sure everybody has a voice in this process?

The objective of this session is to play with the concept of story and come up with alternatives to the traditional narrative approach. The session is suitable for seasoned storytellers and absolute beginners alike. We will experiment with creating a collective journey around issues of social and political importance, such as elections, education and racism.
