11:00 - 11:45
Transforming the Museum - Entertainment with a Purpose
New technologies have dramatically changed the way culture is consumed in the 21st century. While cultural artifacts have become globally available, there are now fewer reasons to physically visit museums; digital projects are providing new ways to access culture, shifting the focus from the consumer to the prosumer.
Recent initiatives have helped redefine museum attractions by merging new storytelling techniques with an innovative combination of immersive, cutting-edge visual effects (VFX) and technology such as Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR). This has resulted in a completely new kind of cultural experience. How will these immersive technologies bring us closer to the cultural artifact? How will cultural experiences achieved through VR and AR allow us to approach or escape reality? And how will this affect Walter Benjamin’s auratic experience as a whole? This discussion aims to critically examine how we consume culture, and how we can preserve and present both tangible and intangible cultural heritage on a global scale.